The play of pink against green and white help bring a playful beauty to this stunning bouquet.
Swirls of roses and lisianthus bring sweet color to this arrangement, offset by clusters of cream and green hydrangeas.
Stained in a subtle shade of blue, to add even more interest, the vase glowing as it catches the light through every facet of its unique design, this beautiful floral arrangement is ready to set the stage for a treasured moment of pure bliss.
Do you have doubts about what to give ? Contact our Florist in Miami - United States +1 (786) 448-9740 ; You can also write us by text message on the WhatsApp App
Important: Product photographs are a representation of the floral arrangements and may vary slightly, products with a vase are subject to availability, in the event that the image design is not available, we will replace the vase with one with a similar design and always of the same price.