Dulce Suspiro was created to express love and kindness wherever it is sent.
Bicolor pink roses and small deep pink and pale pink carnations stand out with their pink tones, arranged among the clean white petals of traditional daisies and green foliage
Presented in a clear glass vase, this beautiful arrangement of fresh flowers brings fresh emotion to your recipient's special day, whether it's sent for a special occasion such as a birthday
Do you have doubts about what to give ? Contact our Florist in Miami - United States +1 (786) 448-9740 ; You can also write us by text message on the WhatsApp App
Important: Product photographs are a representation of the floral arrangements and may vary slightly, products with a vase are subject to availability, in the event that the image design is not available, we will replace the vase with one with a similar design and always of the same price.