Arrangement of Rainbow Roses
Arrangement x 12 roses in a bouquet, x 12 roses in a vase, x 24 roses in a vase
Harvested from the farm to offer your special recipient a bouquet like no other, the Rainbow Rose Bouquet is a unique gift they will always remember.
Hand-picked from select floral farms , these light-inspired roses have been dyed so that each petal displays a different vibrant shade of yellow, blue, green, purple or pink to create a fresh floral arrangement.
It is the perfect gift to send congratulations for a birthday, this bouquet includes multicolored roses in a vase.
Do you have doubts about what to give ? Contact our Florist in Miami - United States +1 (786) 448-9740 ; You can also write us by text message on the WhatsApp App
Important: Product photographs are a representation of the floral arrangements and may vary slightly, products with a vase are subject to availability, in the event that the image design is not available, we will replace the vase with one with a similar design and always of the same price.