Beautiful gift of Flowers " Niña Linda " with red and pink Roses , Lilies , mini Carnations . It is ready to surprise and make your special recipient happy with its mixture of flowers!
Happy Birthday Red Roses , Lilies , mini Carnations , Pink Roses and along with green foliage are arranged to perfection by our floral designers to create a gift of flowers that will impress.
Delivered in a clear glass vase, this arrangement or bouquet of fresh flowers is a wonderful way to express your happy anniversary , happy birthday or well wishes.
Do you have doubts about what to give ? Contact our Florist in Bogotá DC - Colombia +57 (1) 253-9384 ; You can also write to WhatsApp +57 311 889-6974 ; Address in Bogotá 24 hours a day
Important: Product photographs are a representation of the floral arrangements and may vary slightly, products with a vase are subject to availability, in the event that the image design is not available, we will replace the vase with one with a similar design and always of the same price.